Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday

Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday, held the first Sunday in February, celebrates the partnership of Lutheran Hour Ministries with LCMS churches.

Orange Out Malaria! Week

Orange Out Malaria! Week is a weeklong push to increase awareness about malaria’s impact and raise funds to fight the disease with the Lutheran Malaria Initiative.

World Malaria Day

World Malaria Day is observed worldwide to bring attention to malaria and the thousands of people who die from the disease annually.

LMI Sunday

LMI (Lutheran Malaria Initiative) Sunday is a day set aside to raise congregational awareness about malaria and its devastating impact worldwide.

Concordia Sunday

A Sunday dedicated to celebrate the ongoing ministry of the Concordia University System, the higher-education ministry of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.

Refugee Sunday

Refugee Sunday, set for June 22, held in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, offers congregations a day to learn how they can welcome new Americans so refugees can hear the Gospel of Jesus.

Youth Ministry and School Ministry Sunday

In The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, August has been designated as Lutheran schools and Youth Ministry month. Congregations are encouraged to designate one Sunday in the month as School Ministry and Youth Ministry Sunday.

Live Nativity Scene at Saxon Lutheran Memorial

Saxon Lutheran Memorial 296 Saxon Memorial Drive, Frohna, MO

Saxon Lutheran Memorial in Frohna, Mo., will display a live nativity scene from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 20.


Give thanks for the LWML on Jan. 25

This month, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is highlighting its role in the international mission field, and on Sunday, Jan. 25, all LCMS congregations are invited to celebrate and give thanks for the faithful work of the LWML.