Webinar: ‘Disaster Relief Training’

Rev. Ross Johnson, director of LCMS Disaster Response, will present a webinar entitled “Disaster Relief Training” from 1-2 p.m. Central time on Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017.

Webinar: ‘Spiritual Warfare’

Dr. Robert H. Bennett, executive director of Luther Academy, will present a webinar entitled “Spiritual Warfare” from 1-2 p.m. Central time on Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017.

Webinar: ‘Recognized Service Organizations’

Deaconess Dorothy Krans, director of LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, will present a webinar entitled “Recognized Service Organizations” from 1-2 p.m. Central time on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017.

ALCM webinar: ‘Rehearsal Time Management’

The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians will host a webinar on "Rehearsal Time Management" beginning at 1 p.m. Central time on Tuesday, Nov. 28. The presenter is Bradley Ellingboe.

Webinar: ‘Pastor as Community Leader’

Rev. Todd Kollbaum, director of LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission, will present a webinar from 1-2 p.m. Central time on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2017. The webinar is entitled “Pastor as Community Leader.”

Webinar: ‘Children’s Midweek Ministry’

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission will host a free webinar entitled “Children’s Midweek Ministry” from 1-2 p.m. Central time on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018. The presenter is Angela Kollbaum, who is the youth director at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Concordia, Mo.

Youth Ministry Symposium Webinar: Part 1 of 3

LCMS Youth Ministry will host a free webinar — “Data from the Congregational Study” — on Tuesday, March 13, from 11 a.m. to noon Central time. The webinar is the first of a three-part series to discuss information and data released at the 2018 Youth Ministry Symposium.

Webinar: ‘Working Partnerships: Dual/Multi Parishes’

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission will host a free webinar entitled “Working Partnerships: Dual/Multi Parishes” from 1-2 p.m. Central time on Thursday, March 15, 2018. The presenter is Rev. Rich Boring, executive for Mission and Outreach, LCMS Nebraska District.

Youth Ministry Symposium Webinar: Part 2 of 3

LCMS Youth Ministry will host a free webinar — “The Impact of Parents and the Home Church” — on Thursday, April 19, from 11 a.m. to noon Central time. The webinar is the second in a three-part series to discuss information and data released at the 2018 Youth Ministry Symposium.