Montana District Convention

The 2015 Montana District Convention — held every three years — offers opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration and fellowship, as well as sharing information, conducting business and electing officers.

Pacific Southwest District Convention

The 2015 Pacific Southwest District Convention — held every three years — offers opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration and fellowship, as well as sharing information, conducting business and electing officers.

Indiana District Convention

The 2015 [Indiana District Convention — held every three years — offers opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration and fellowship, as well as sharing information, conducting business and electing officers.

Ohio District Convention

The 2015 Ohio District Convention — held every three years — offers opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration and fellowship, as well as sharing information, conducting business and electing officers.

Iowa District East Convention

The 2015 Iowa District East Convention — held every three years — offers opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration and fellowship, as well as sharing information, conducting business and electing officers.

Mid-South District Convention

The 2015 Mid-South District Convention — held every three years — offers opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration and fellowship, as well as sharing information, conducting business and electing officers.

Michigan District Convention

The Michigan District Convention – held every three years – offers opportunities to celebrate God’s work and His presence in each other, build a sense of fellowship and partnership in the Body of Christ, challenge and inspire us for greater service, conduct official business, give direction, and provide for future mission and ministry. The 2015 convention theme, “Imagine Living as God’s … Loved and Compassionate Community,” is based on Ephesians 3:20-21.

Central Illinois District Convention

The 2015 Central Illinois District Convention — held every three years — offers opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration and fellowship, as well as sharing information, conducting business and electing officers.

National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference

National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (NATIONAL) brings together youth workers from across the country to be encouraged in their vocation and further equipped in their service to the Church. Participants dialogue about practical skills and relevant theory for effective youth ministry while networking with other volunteer and professional youth leaders.

FTBF Webinar: Supreme Court same-sex marriage ruling

Jim Campbell — senior legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, director of the Center for Marriage and Family, and a key litigator in high-profile cases across the nation — will provide answers in an upcoming Free to be Faithful webinar, held July 14 at 9 a.m. Central time.
