Youth Ministry 2014 Symposium

Hilton St. Louis Airport Hotel 10330 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO

Explore the trends of today’s young adults and the implications they have on the Church. How do cultural shifts affect the core family and its role in developing the faith and values of young people?

Youth Ministry and School Ministry Sunday

In The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, August has been designated as Lutheran schools and Youth Ministry month. Congregations are encouraged to designate one Sunday in the month as School Ministry and Youth Ministry Sunday.

Lutheran Youth Corps Summer in Philadelphia

The Lutheran Youth Corps Summer in Philly is a seven-day event in the heart of the city centered on helping others, learning the faith and reaching out to the world with the Word of Christ.

Lutheran Youth Fellowship Teen Leadership Training

Pallottine Renewal Center: St. Louis 15270 Old Halls Ferry Road, Florissant, MO

The Council of Lutheran Youth Fellowship Representatives (CLYFR) is the annual leadership development training for Lutheran youth representing their LCMS Districts and/or congregation. Youth participants are empowered as leaders of the Church and return to their districts and congregations ready to facilitate leadership training events for their peers.

National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference

National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (NATIONAL) brings together youth workers from across the country to be encouraged in their vocation and further equipped in their service to the Church. Participants dialogue about practical skills and relevant theory for effective youth ministry while networking with other volunteer and professional youth leaders.

LCMS Youth Webinar: Supporting Prodigals and Their Families

Paula Isakson and her father, the Rev. Dr. Heckert — co-founders of Faith Family Reunion — will lead a webinar entitled “Supporting Prodigals and Their Families” at 1 p.m. Central time on Thursday, Aug. 20.

2016 Lutheran Youth Fellowship Teen Leadership Training

Pallottine Renewal Center: St. Louis 15270 Old Halls Ferry Road, Florissant, MO

“Teens Reaching Teens in the Digital Age” — Lutheran Youth Fellowship’s annual leadership development training — is scheduled for March 17-20, 2016, in St. Louis, Mo., at the Pallotine Retreat Center.

Lutheran Young Adult Servant Event — St. Louis

St. Trinity Lutheran Church: St. Louis 517 Koeln Ave., St. Louis, MO

LCMS members ages 18-30 are invited to a Lutheran Young Adult Servant Event from June 2-5 in St. Louis. The event begins with a dinner on Thursday and concludes at 1 p.m. Sunday.


LCMS Youth Gathering

Held every three years, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to: Be affirmed in their lives as God’s people Nurture their relationship with others in the Church Celebrate their salvation in Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament Recognize that youth ministry happens […]

2021 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference

Hyatt Regency Houston 1200 Louisiana St, Houston, TX

The 2021 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (NATIONAL21) is scheduled for July 11–14, 2021, at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Houston, Texas.