Palm Sunday

The Son of David comes in gentle humility, “sitting on a donkey’s colt,” yet as the King of Israel “in the name of the Lord” (John 12:13–15). He comes to be lifted up in glory on the cross in order to cast out “the ruler of this world” and draw all people to Himself (John 12:23–32).

Holy (Maundy) Thursday

As disciples of Jesus, we recline at the table with Him to eat and drink in peace (Mark 14:18). In Him, we see “the God of Israel” (Ex. 24:10), and yet He does not lay His hand on us to punish us.

Good Friday

Good Friday calls for sober reflection on the cost of our redemption. Jesus, the Lamb of God, is led to the slaughter of His cross as the Sacrifice of Atonement for the sin of the world.


By the shed blood of Christ, eternal death has passed over us, and now we pass with Christ through death into life everlasting. For Christ the crucified One is risen!